Sunday 4 September 2011

Hyperbolic functions - sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, sech, csch

 Note: to set hyperbolic function in FX-991ES just select [hyp] and select the function that you need",)

Hyperbolic functions - sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, sech, csch


Hyperbolic sine of x = sinh x = (ex - e-x)/2
Hyperbolic cosine of x = cosh x = (ex + e-x)/2
Hyperbolic tangent of x = tanh x = (ex - e-x)/(ex + e-x)
Hyperbolic cotangent of x = coth x = (ex + e-x)/(ex - e-x)
Hyperbolic secant of x = sech x = 2/(ex + e-x)
Hyperbolic cosecant of x = csch x = 2/(ex - e-x)


tanh x = sinh x/cosh x
coth x = 1/tanh x = cosh x/sinh x
sech x = 1/cosh x
csch x = 1/sinh x
cosh2x - sinh2x = 1
sech2x + tanh2x = 1
coth2x - csch2x = 1

SSB means?

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"Single Sideband with suppressed carrier"

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"15 "

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