Tuesday, 8 December 2015

NRR - Noise Reduction Rating

NRR - Noise Reduction Rating - Help

All hearing protectors supplied in the USA should be provided with an NRR figure. It can be used to estimate the sound level at the ear when wearing the protectors.
To calculate the level at the ear, fist measure the worker's noise exposure, either in dB(A) or dB(C). This level can be entered into the NRR Calculator, along with information about the regulations that you are following: OSHA or NIOSH as each of these uses a different calculation.
nrr calculator
The NoiseMeters NRR Calculator uses the following calculation methods:
Regs Freq.
OSHA A Lprot = L - (NRR - 7) / 2

  C Lprot = L - NRR / 2
NIOSH A Lprot = L - (NRR - 7)

  C Foam Earplugs:
  Lprot = L - (NRR * 0.5)
    Other Earplugs:
  Lprot = L - (NRR * 0.3)
  Lprot = L - (NRR * 0.75)
L is the measured level or TWA
NRR is the Noise Reduction Rating provided by the hearing protector manufacturer
Lprot is the estimated sound level at the ear when wearing the hearing protection

for more info:  please see the ff: https://www.noisemeters.com/apps/occ/help/protector-nrr.asp

Monday, 26 October 2015

phpmyadmin security for xampp 1.8.1

how to secure your phpmyadmin
1. please see the link:  http://localhost/security/

make sure that your xampp are active

2. select your language

3. click the link on your page..

To fix the problems for mysql, phpmyadmin and the xampp directory simply use
=> http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php <=   [allowed only for localhost]

just follow the instructions and your good to go!!

Sunday, 25 October 2015

How To Setup Virtual Hosts Using XAMPP


1. C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra

edit : httpd-vhosts.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/testsite"
ServerName dev.test.com
ServerAlias dev.test.com
<Directory "c:/xampp/htdocs/testsite">
AllowOverride All
Require all Granted
2.locate C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/
edit host file.
add the ff.             localhost             dev.test.com
restart xampp and now you have your vhost!!! 

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

How to add git(bitbucket) to existing source code folder?

Create a project with some code:
$ mkdir project_name
$ cd project_name
$ echo "sample txt" > name of file to update
Inside the project's folder, do an initial commit:
$ git init
$ git add file_name or --all if all files
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
and remote and push up

$ git remote add file_name  user@host:repo
$ git push filename or --all 

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

No Shop Currency defined! Contact the administrator, if you are one go to ::: joomla VM

To check if you are vendor go to VM Configuration/Shop and set "Enable Multivendor (experimental only for developers)"  to "administrated multivendor"  Then go to Orders & Shoppers. You should see a green tick in the Vendor column against the admin user. If there is no tick then try setting the admin user as vendor. or publish it..as a vendor.

Once done, turn off Enable Multivendor.

  and setup your data for your currency settings.

Gilmon D. Bernal

Sunday, 3 May 2015

how to boost internet speed?

im trying to boost my internet connection, I was surprised to find out that using a free public DNS server from other company was far better than using my local ISP DNS.

I was getting very frustrated with the constant Webpage cannot load errors followed by the website loading 5 seconds later. I kept seeing the DNS lookup failed message, so I figured let me try another DNS provider and that made an absolute world of difference.

1. Google Public DNS

google public dns
Google being Google, they have massive scale, load-balancing, redundancy and DNS servers distributed all over the world. They also support the latest technologies and security mechanisms like IPv6 DNS servers and DNSSEC. Their DNS servers are also well protected against DoS attacks and cache poisoning attacks.
It’s worth noting that Google Public DNS does not perform any blocking or filtering on the DNS requests, as some of the other services do. They state that only under extraordinary circumstances would they block anything. For me, this is a good option because I use other tools to filter out malware sites, etc and don’t necessarily want my DNS service to be involved.
The main benefit for using Google is their global data center and the fact that they have DNS servers located around the world. Some other services only have DNS servers located in one part of the world, so the performance will suffer considerably.
The main downside to using Google is that they are all about tracking and logging everything anyone does on the Internet and this is no exception. If you are leery of Google having too much information, I would suggest using a different DNS server.

Google Public DNS IPv4 Addresses:


Google Public DNS IPv6 Addresses:

  • 2001:4860:4860::8888
  • 2001:4860:4860::8844

2. Level 3 DNS

level 3
Level 3 is the company that provides a lot of ISPs their connection to the Internet backbone, so they are huge, reliable and secure. There is no filtering with Level 3, just like Google DNS, so it’s mostly used for performance and reliability.
Depending on your location in the world, any of the public DNS servers I mention here could be the fastest, so that’s why it’s necessary to read the link above on finding the fastest DNS server for your connection.

Level 3 Public DNS Server Addresses:


3. OpenDNS

OpenDNS has been around for a very long time and they are a reputable company. OpenDNS provides several services including Enhanced DNS and Parental Controls, both of which are free.
OpenDNS is also the first public DNS that I have mentioned that does automatic blocking and filtering against phishing attacks and identity theft. This is a great option if you have kids and want to prevent them from landing on malware-infested sites or if you have older family members who sometimes click on spam links in emails.
They also have a VIP service for $20 a month that gives you a bunch Internet usage statistics for all the devices on your network.

OpenDNS IP Addresses:


4. Norton ConnectSafe DNS

norton connectsafe
Norton ConnectSafe is the public DNS service provided by Norton. Like OpenDNS, Norton also has automatic filtering and blocking based on their database of sites. Using the free DNS speed tools I mentioned, it’s also one of the fastest public DNS servers.
Norton DNS has a couple of different DNS servers, depending on the type of protection you want. They have three options:
A – Protection against malware, phishing sties and scam sites
B – A + Pornography
C – A +Pornography + Other
Other will basically block sites related to mature content, gambling, hate, suicide, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc. Obviously, that could block a lot of sites, so us that option as you see fit.

Norton DNS IP Addresses:

Option A:
Option B:
Option C:

5. OpenNIC DNS

Lastly, another one I like to use is OpenNIC. They have servers all of the world run by their own members and exist to provide a democratic, non-national network that protects your privacy. The link above will show you a list of all of their Tier 2 DNS servers around the world, but you can go to the homepage and it will tell you the closest servers to your IP automatically at the top right.
When looking at the list of servers, you can choose one that fits your privacy needs. A lot of them keep no logs, have logs completely disabled or keep anonymous logs.
So those are my top recommendations for public DNS servers that are reliable, fast, and provide extra security and filtering for those that need it. Even though most people use their ISP for DNS, it’s really much better to use a third-party. If you have any questions, let us know in the comments. Enjoy!

Gilmon D. Bernal