Tuesday, 29 January 2013

wordpress Dynamic Headers


These are the directions for the install. Be sure to read Directions for Use before using.
  1. Upload 'the custom-header' directory to your plugins directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Create the directory wp-content/header-images/ and make it writable (777). Don't worry if your wp-content directory is in an
  4. Read the Other Notes page for Directions for Use. These directions are also contained in the plugin.

Creating a Static Front Page

Creating a Static Front Page 


Creating a virtual static front page does not require editing or coding of files or templates. Using the default configuration for a "static front page" in WordPress does not remove the sidebar or change the look of the entire site, just the content area.
To create the static front page, go to the WordPress Administration Panels.
  1. Create two WordPress Pages from the "Add New Page" panel. If you will not be using WordPress blogging functionality, you can skip the second page.
    • Title the first page "Home" (or another name) as your "static" front page.
      1. Set the "Home" template to the default template or any custom template. Do not title your template home.php as this could cause a conflict.
      2. Add content you would like to see within the content area of the "Home" page.
      3. Publish the Page.
    • Title the second page "Blog" (or you could call it "News", "Articles", etc.). This page will be a place-holder for showing the Posts on your site.
      1. Do not use a custom Page template for this page! home.php or index.php will be used to generate this page.
      2. DO NOT add content to the Blog Page. Leave it blank. Any content here will be ignored -- only the Title is used.
      3. Publish the Page.
  2. Go to Administration > Settings > Reading panel.
    Reading panel
    1. Set 'Front page displays:' to 'a static page' and choose the first page you created above for 'Front page.' If your WordPress site will contain a blog section, set 'Posts page' to the page you created for this above. Otherwise, leave this blank.
    2. Save changes.
  3. Enable "Permalinks" to show the "page title" in the address, since /index.php?p=423 defeats the purpose of making a static front page. 





Dynamic Widgets gives you full control on which pages your widgets will appear. It lets you dynamicly show or hide widgets on WordPress pages. 

Installation of this plugin is fairly easy:
  1. Unpack dynamic-widgets.zip
  2. Upload the whole directory and everything underneath to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  4. Visit the Dynamic Widgets Configuration page (settings link).
  5. Edit the desired widgets.

Gilmon D. Bernal


  1. Install Slideshow either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
  2. After activating Slideshow, click on 'Slideshows' and create a new slideshow.
  3. Click on 'Insert Image Slide' to insert an image slide, a popup will appear where you can search for the desired image. Insert the image by clicking 'Insert'. The same goes for text and video slides, don't forget to save!
  4. Go to a post or a page and click the 'Insert Slideshow' button above the editor. A popup appears where you can select your newly created slideshow to insert. You can also use the shortcode or code snippet visible in your slideshow admin panel to deploy your slideshow anywhere on your website. Use the widget to show any of your slideshows in the sidebar of your website.
